5 Healing Herbs That You Should Take

If you’ve been an avid exerciser for a while, then you must know how important a role nutrition plays in achieving long term health and fitness benefits. It is universally proven and accepted that a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, lean protein, healthy fat, fruits and vegetables is they key to building lean muscle, reducing body fat and a host of other things. However, many of the healthy meals we consume on a daily basis lack one vital ingredient that helps promotes long life and good health : Herbs.

Herbs are naturally-growing plants that provide flavor and taste to food and used partly to add extra scent to fragrances. Through extensive research and study, they were known to also have some medicinal value. Although herbs have been used for hundreds of years to heal in several parts of the world, they just became an integral part of the health and fitness community not too long ago. Health experts and fitness professionals now encourage everyone to include herbs as part of their meals in an efforts to strengthen the immune system, keep the heart healthier and lower bad cholesterol.

So what herbs offer the best medicinal value and which ones should you be taking?

There isn’t a known number of herbs that exist in the world since some flowers and trees have herbaceous value. That number is debatable. But according to early findings, there are over a thousand known herbs in the world today. Figuring out which is the best may be a daunting task. However, I have been able to narrow that list to some really good ones.

Here are 5 herbs you should take:

1. TURMERIC : An origin of India, Turmeric is a spice obtained from the ginger plant family, Zingiberaceae and is widely used in cooking. It’s yellowish color gives cooked food a unique look and exudes a great aroma. Several studies have linked turmeric to having anti-inflammatory benefits, preventing colon cancer, aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and digestive problems. Although it’s been around for thousands of years, it’s just now becoming a mainstream phenomena in the western world. According to a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, turmeric offers a multitude of anti-oxidant benefits including helping to prevent osteoarthritis, heart disease and cancer. Turmeric comes in pill, powder and tincture and can be found in local health stores and supermarkets.

2. CINNAMON : One of the most popular herb, cinnamon is a spice that’s obtained from the bark of the parent tree, Cinnamomum. It is mixed with many of our beverages, pie and cereal and offers amazing taste and flavor.  Certain individuals like diabetics and arthritic patients benefit from the use of cinnamon because it helps to regulate blood sugar and reduces inflammation from cytokines in arthritic joints. Furthermore, it also reduces LDL cholesterol which automatically prevents heart disease and aids in pregnancy by helping  to balance hormones  and prevent infertility in women. Cinnamon can be purchased in powder version or via the common sticks.

3. GINGER : Another spice from the Zingiberaceae family, ginger is an origin of South Asia and has similar benefits to turmeric. It can be used to add taste and flavor to food and also has a big impact on the immune system by fighting off bacteria and viruses from the environment. It works as a powerful antioxidant to prevent stomach upset and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce pain in arthritic patients. Ginger also has the power to regulate blood flow and thus may help reduce blood pressure in high blood pressure patients.  Further research is still being conducted on its effect in preventing and treating ovarian cancer but researchers are optimistic. Gingers comes in many forms including the raw root and powder versions, though it appears the tea is the most commonly consumed.

4. GARLIC : Just like cinnamon, garlic is another popular herb with ties to Central Asia. It’s been around for over 7,000 years and is one of the most widely used herb for cooking. Consumption of garlic is linked to reduction of the risk of colon, rectal and ovarian cancers.  High blood pressure patients also benefit from eating garlic as it helps to lower blood pressure.  Prevention of heart diseases and stroke are also benefits associated with garlic intake. This 2006 research study by the Medical Journal of Australis supports the impact of garlic and other herbs in lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. Though garlic can be purchased as dietary supplements,  the natural, raw plant seems to offer the best benefits.

5. DANDELION : This may be one of the hidden gems in the herbaceous family. Dandelion can be found on flowers, leaves and roots of many of the trees in around us. In fact, they are so accessible that they can be obtained directly from trees and brought home to be used to make tea. Though its medicinal value has received little scientific research, some studies show correlation to cleansing the liver, treating acne problems, lowering blood pressure and prevention of breast and prostate cancers. New findings suggest it can also help alleviate premenstrual issues, cure urinary infections and act as a diuretic to eliminate excess water weight gain.  Dandelion root is available in capsule and tincture forms for consumption. Some health stories also sell the natural leaves which can be purchased and consumed as a food or mixed with other vegetables.

Why You Should Box Squat

By now we all know the squat is arguably the most important exercise of all partly because of its functional benefits and whole-body engaging work. Over the years, many variations have emerged as a means to accommodate conditioning levels, injuries and embrace newer challenges. The Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Goblet Squat, Bulgarian Split Squat, Zercher Squat and Pistol Squat are versions that have made their way into the realm of strength training. But there is one that many people still rarely do. The Box Squat.

Although it came to fruition at a Polish weightlifting facility in the 1950’s, the box squat was popularized by legendary powerlifting coach Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio.  Simmons began box squatting in the 1960’s and is the chief reason the exercise is utilized my many fitness enthusiasts today, including olympic and recreational athletes, powerlifters and bodybuilders. It is a simple exercise that requires squatting down to a plyometric box (for the remainder of this post, ‘plyo box’ will be used as a replacement) that’s low enough so the thighs are beneath parallel. Yet it remains misunderstood and underappreciated by many. Let’s take a closer examination at this unique exercise.

Simmons’ discovery is based on the theoretical fact that by squatting down to a low plyo box that puts the thighs beneath horizontal, there is greater muscle recruitment by the hamstrings and glutes, which subsequently improves the depth on a traditional barbell squat. A majority of the people who do traditional squats almost never make it to parallel while others don’t have the flexibility in their hamstrings to squat deeper. This can eventually limit strength and gains potential due to the fact that the posterior chain of the body isn’t getting challenged enough.  The box squat effectively addresses these issues. So how can one successfully do a box squat? Are there more than one way to box squat?

According to Simmons and contrary to other unsubstantiated claims, there is only ONE way to box squat. With the barbell resting on your trapezius, hinge your hips and butt rearwards and slowly descend towards the center of the ploy box. A descent towards the front of the box with cause the heels to lift off the ground greatly affecting your drive back up during your ascent. The knees should stack over the ankles or even slightly over. Both the knees and ankles should be in a slightly wider than hip-width stance for easier descent and better muscle activation. When fully seated on the box, the glutes, hamstrings and lumbar region are relaxed. Gravity forces acting downwards  and the loaded resistance will inevitably lead to an explosive firing of the aforementioned muscles during the concentric phase.  During ascent, push the bar into the traps first and tighten the abdominal muscles first to create rigidity in the torso. The forceful drive through the heels of the foot is the final step. Keep in mind that driving through the heels without pushing the bar into the traps first will cause the trunk to lean forward putting the body in a ‘Good Morning’ position.

Here are 5 benefits of the box squat:

1.) Quicker Recovery, Less Soreness & Frequent Squat Sessions: During the eccentric phase of a box squat, the kinetic energy slowly goes away during descent. Some of it remains isometrically stored in the glutes and hamstrings, but most of it is gone. This means when you’re seated on the box, most of the working muscles are going to be relaxed with a few in isometric tension. They only engage during the concentric phase. This leads to an efficient utilization of the energy systems of the body and better recruitment of the muscles of the entire lower body. Essentially the nervous system is only challenged during the concentric phase which helps minimize energy.

2.) Teaches Proper Squatting Technique (Parallel) & Improves Flexibility : Not many people can achieve the parallel depth on a conventional squat. I still see many squatters stopping miles away from hip-knee alignment. And of course it becomes extra miles away as the weight gets heavier. Lack of flexibility in the hamstring is a big reason for this. Simply squatting onto a plyo box addresses these problems. If a lifter successfully achieves the beyond-parallel depth on the box squat, the traditional squat depth will improve automatically because the kinetic chain will proprioceptively adapt to the stimulus over time. Hamstring flexibility is also improved via the static-dynamic sequence. The working muscles relax statically when the lifter is fully seated on the plyo box and dynamically stretches during concentric phase. When this is repeated at the right intensity and over a period of time, the muscles of the hamstrings will effectively stretch themselves out. Keep in mind that ample time must be devoted to box squatting training sessions in order to see an improvement in traditional squats.

3). Safety & Injury Prevention : Generally speaking, the box squat is safer than the traditional squat. Although the load and form are the two key determining factors for injury prevention, the box squat is more knee and lower back friendly. Explosively driving up from the heels creates rigidity in the torso and fills the diaphragm with air which leads to less spinal compression. The knees are also forced to stay at a 90-degree angle with the ankle during descent thereby protecting the patellar tendons.

4). Better Hamstring, Gluteal & Hip Muscle Recruitment : As mentioned earlier, the below parallel depth on the box squat forces the lifter to explode from the heels concentrically. This means the muscles of the lumbar region, hamstrings, glutes and hips will work much harder than they would in a traditional squat. These muscles will become stronger leading to better performance in other posterior chain exercises like deadlift, reverse lunge and hip thrust. This is also key because most exercisers are anterior dominant and are usually at a disadvantage in exercises involving the posterior chain as well as some day-to-day activities.

5. Development of  Absolute Strength & Power : Power is defined as maximal force generated instantly or rapidly. It is impacted by strength and speed. In a traditional squat, power must be produced during the eccentric (descent), isometric (bottom of squat) and concentric (ascent) phases. This greater effort usually limits the power potential of the body and can thus affect the long term development of power and strength. In a box squat, the eccentric and concentric phases are broken apart so that the muscles of the hip and lower body relax and rest a bit in the seated position. This allows for a better utilization and redirection of power during the start and execution of the concentric phase. By breaking up the eccentric-concentric phase, box squatting provides a power and force output three to four times greater than traditional squat. It also helps build starting strength in sports and increases pulling power in the deadlift off the floor.

Anyone can box squat. However there are 3 key factors squatters must consider:

Factor #1: Deconditioned and less experienced squatters should start with just their body weight initially. Simply squatting onto a plyo box that puts the thighs beyond parallel will illicit a good physiological response by the body. A barbell can be used after successfully performing the exercise for a period of time or a lower plyo box (2 to 4 inches shorter) for an increased challenge.

Factor #2: The plyo box must be low enough so that the thighs are beyond parallel. Most plyo boxes (usually wooden or steel) have a depth height ranging from 12 inches to 30 inches. Taller individuals will fare well with the boxes in the 12 to 18 inch range. The underlying factor is that the lower the plyo box, the better the challenge. However an ideal format to use is to first sit on any box and see how parallel the thighs are to the ground. Any box that puts the thighs at parallel or beneath will work just fine. Yoga and pilates mat can be placed on boxes for much taller individuals who have a hard time sitting on the lower boxes.


Factor #3: Box squats should be done periodically and scheduled between traditional squat programs. This means if you box squat once or twice a week for 3 weeks in a month, you should return to traditional squat for at least 3 weeks to test your depth and range. Many people I know, including Simmons,  have completely replaced traditional squats with box squats, doing the former only once in a blue moon. If the goals are pure power, strength and explosiveness, as is the case with powerlifters and athletes, then box squats should be performed routinely. Everyday fitness enthusiasts should box squat at least every other 2 months for 3 weeks straight at a training frequency of 1 to 2 days a week.